I'll give you a call on New Years!
Things have been crazy here. (Both my grandparents are in the hospital and I am starting work and interviewing and Leslye has mono...) Talk to you soon!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!
I haven't checked my computer much lately either. I work tomorrow (Thurs) 9-2, and friday 10-5. Next week I only work New Years Eve and Jan 2!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you soon
I haven't checked my computer much lately either. I work tomorrow (Thurs) 9-2, and friday 10-5. Next week I only work New Years Eve and Jan 2!
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I'll talk to you soon
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I haven't used my computer in like a week...Bummer about New Years! Let me know what times you are free in the next few days and I will give you a call. Tomorrow I am going shopping in the morning but other than that I am free. Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 21, 2007
New Years Bummer
I tried to get time off but it's too late because my boss is already working on that schedule. So I probably will be working New Years Ever and/or day, which sucks a lot. We still need to get together sometime though, so I don't know how you want to do it.
I am not working today (Friday), I work tomorrow 3-8, Sunday 11:30-5 if you want to talk this weekend.
I tried to get time off but it's too late because my boss is already working on that schedule. So I probably will be working New Years Ever and/or day, which sucks a lot. We still need to get together sometime though, so I don't know how you want to do it.
I am not working today (Friday), I work tomorrow 3-8, Sunday 11:30-5 if you want to talk this weekend.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Hey, I read your post a few days ago, but things have been crazy here with finals and packing up the room and then there was this reception at the president's house which my parents came down for so we packed a bunch of stuff in their car...ugh. Today at 3pm I am officially done with college! Oh man! I can't believe it! So what are you up to in Albany this weekend? Apartment searching? I went to the Joann's here and spent way too much money :) So tonight isn't good bc I am babysitting for Karl Qualls' kids until like 10:30. If after that is ok with you just give me a call whenever. I will probably be up until at least 12:30. Then I am having breakfast and leaving first thing on Saturday. So that night would be ok to call and anytime on Sunday. (Don't forget that its the survivor finale instead of the amazing race. So set your Tivo to record longer bc of 60 minutes) Man I hate that show! Umm next week I may be working? Not really sure about all that but basically anytime should be fine...if not I just won't pick up. I miss you! We should plan something soon for New Year's (we don't have to wait on Allie. We can just make our own plans and then fill her in.) If that works for you. Well I need to finish getting ready for work and print out a paper so I should go. Hope you have an awesome time in Albany!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hey sorry I never got back to you. If you want to talk sometime this week I don't work today, but I'm decorating my Christmas tree tonight. Tomorrow I work 9-5, Thursday I don't work, an Friday I work 7-12:30, but I have some plans at night. This weekend I'm going to Albany, so if you had time during the week that would be best. Ta!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Hey there stranger! I was feeling a little awkward about out conversation today and I don't want you to feel any pressure about living together (I just thought it would be fun and affordable). The program at Albany is great but I would be lying if I didn't say that a big plus is living closer to you. Anywho I just wanted to let you know this stuff. Tell the dropper (*J*ustie) I said hi. Is there anything small that you think he would like for Christmas? I was thinking about some sort of fun gift--nothing too serious. Have an awesome Tuesday, talk to you in a few days.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Hey! I got your message today. I'm replying here because pretty soon I'm going over to my grandpa's to meet my new cousin Juliet. I'm excited! I still haven't watched SVU from last night because I went to bed at like 10:15. I did get the weekend off to come visit you, so yay! So I'll talk to you soon, ta.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Yea, a bunch of people were talking about that tonight. I thought that it was pretty cool too. Well its late so I will probably write more tomorrow. Did you get your computer fixed?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Dumbledore and Grindewald sitting in a tree
J.K. Rowling outed Dumbledore as being gay during a Q&A session. Apparently he was in love with Grindewald. I never thought she would actually admit to one of her characters being gay, so it's kinda cool. See the Leaky Cauldron for the whole interview. It also says Neville marries Hannah Abbot who becomes the new owner of the Leaky Cauldron.
Unaired Episode of Bones
So apparently they didn't air an episode of Bones bc of the VT shootings. Check out the link.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I did watch survivor, did you? I only watched it today, but it was good. I thought that the challenges were interesting, but I keep confusing the members of the 2 teams.
Tuesday would probably be best for me to talk because I am pretty busy tomorrow.
Also, I just bought the Orange KB deck! yay!
Tuesday would probably be best for me to talk because I am pretty busy tomorrow.
Also, I just bought the Orange KB deck! yay!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
BFFs (Sorry Katie)
Professor Moffat just sent me a friend detail request on Facebook saying that we went to school together!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Emmy Predictions 2007: 2 pts.
Just so you know, the Emmy's are only worth 2 points bc they are only on for 2 hours. Love ya!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
About Wednesday
Lol that's a really cute promo.
So I forgot that Justin an I had plans on Wednesday night to go see Stardust. It's our only night that we both are free this week, which is why we planned it, but I forgot about it when I was planning phone calls with you. So would you be able to talk either on Thursday before 3 or pretty much any time Friday? The only thing I have on Friday is a haircut at 8am. Let me know! <3
So I forgot that Justin an I had plans on Wednesday night to go see Stardust. It's our only night that we both are free this week, which is why we planned it, but I forgot about it when I was planning phone calls with you. So would you be able to talk either on Thursday before 3 or pretty much any time Friday? The only thing I have on Friday is a haircut at 8am. Let me know! <3
When you score...
So I don't have much time to write, but the Women's World Cup started this week and you have to check out this promo
Saturday, September 8, 2007
When I move you move...
Those previews were awesome! I think that I am going to LOVE Christina as a resident.
At this link there are a few previews of the grey's anatomy premier. It looks really good. All of the main characters (except George) have their own interns now and there is a little montage of them all reciting Bailey's 5 rules. =)
At this link there are a few previews of the grey's anatomy premier. It looks really good. All of the main characters (except George) have their own interns now and there is a little montage of them all reciting Bailey's 5 rules. =)
Friday, September 7, 2007
ANTM cycle 9
Hey if you go to cwtv.com and go to the antm web site there is a section where you can meet the cycle 9 contestants. They each have a video introduction. So far I think Ambreal seems good, and Bianca is pretty, but for some reason she strikes me as a someone who is going to cry a lot. That's just the first two videos I've watched. Thought you might like to know!
Edited: OMG Ebony seems dumb as a doornail, and Heather is all like "my friends all think I'm so pretty and tell me I should be a model, like, all the time!" ugh.
Edited: OMG Ebony seems dumb as a doornail, and Heather is all like "my friends all think I'm so pretty and tell me I should be a model, like, all the time!" ugh.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Birthday reservation
I really liked no reservations, and I would still love to come visit on your birthday, I would leave on Thursday at 4:15 when my anthro class ends. I just got the notification that your present is in the mail!
Good thing you are far away....
Good thing you are far away....
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I've fallen behind on my Bible reading recently but I'll catch up. Wild Hogs is definitely stupid at parts, but it made me laugh a lot and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I like stupid boy movies. William H. Macy is very funny in it and really steals the show. =)
Was no reservations good? I haven't seen it but I was thinking about it. I also really want to see Stardust.
Also, did you still want to visit on my birthday weekend? When would you be coming. Hopefully I can take off work. It feels like I've asked for a lot of days off recently, but most are just appointments and shouldn't be a problem.
Was no reservations good? I haven't seen it but I was thinking about it. I also really want to see Stardust.
Also, did you still want to visit on my birthday weekend? When would you be coming. Hopefully I can take off work. It feels like I've asked for a lot of days off recently, but most are just appointments and shouldn't be a problem.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hey, so I was just looking at you 101 and what did you think of Wild Hogs? I thought that it looked like it was going to be funny or just plain bad. That is awesome how much of the Bible that you have been reading! I really need to get back into it pronto bc I have become pretty lax in my faith right now. So that's all..ttyl...
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I like this one...awful choices at the end tho...
What do the Harry Potter adults think of you?
Result #1Albus Dumbledore thinks you are a very valuable member of the Order of the Phoenix.Lord Voldemort hates you beyond belief.Minerva McGonagall adores you and loves you like a daughter.Severus Snape thinks you are a terrible student and an annoying little brat.Rubeus Hagrid thinks you are a great student and a wonderful friend.Horace Slughorn doesnt think of you much.Sirius Black tries to avoid you but kind of enjoys the fact that you are in love with him.Remus Lupin is madly in love with you and would do anything for you.Bill Weasley acts like hes your friend but secretly dislikes you.Lucius Malfoy thinks youre an idiot and would love to kill you.Bellatrix Lestrange doesnt even know you exist.Peter Pettigrew doesnt know you exist either.
Take this quiz!
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Kind of a funny quiz
What do the Harry Potter adults think of you? |
Albus Dumbledore tries to like you but doesnt trust something about you. Lord Voldemort wishes you were on his side. Minerva McGonagall thinks you are very talented. Severus Snape is secretly in love with you. Rubeus Hagrid tries to like you but doesnt really understand you. Horace Slughorn thinks you are all right. Sirius Black hates you and doesnt understand why Remus likes you. Remus Lupin worships the ground you walk on and would do anything to get you to love him back. Bill Weasley thinks of you as a best friend. Lucius Malfoy doesnt understand why Voldemort likes you. Bellatrix Lestrange wants to have you killed. Peter Pettigrew avoids you at all costs. Take this quiz! Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
battery, fantasy, and post
That battery thing is weird.
My draft went well, apparently I have a really good quarterback. And I'm sorry but the draft happens after the league has all of its players, so no one else can join at this point. If you still want to know how it's played it's like this: Each player drafts a team made up of players from the real NFL. You need a certain amount of players in each position, and they can be from any team in the NFL. Every week your team faces off against someone else's fantasy team, and each team scores points based on how the players scored that weekend in real life. You get certain amounts of points for touchdowns, and yards run, etc. Teams with the highest points go to the playoffs and in the end there is a winner. It actually might make it more interesting to watch real football because you want certain players to do well so you get points in fantasy.
I got the mail you sent me. Thanks so much! I knew Stephen King had written about HP but I hadn't read the whole thing so I'm glad you sent it. Those magnets are so cute! Did you get that pic message I sent you a week or two ago? It was from a funny book of bumper stickers. =) Talk to you soon!
My draft went well, apparently I have a really good quarterback. And I'm sorry but the draft happens after the league has all of its players, so no one else can join at this point. If you still want to know how it's played it's like this: Each player drafts a team made up of players from the real NFL. You need a certain amount of players in each position, and they can be from any team in the NFL. Every week your team faces off against someone else's fantasy team, and each team scores points based on how the players scored that weekend in real life. You get certain amounts of points for touchdowns, and yards run, etc. Teams with the highest points go to the playoffs and in the end there is a winner. It actually might make it more interesting to watch real football because you want certain players to do well so you get points in fantasy.
I got the mail you sent me. Thanks so much! I knew Stephen King had written about HP but I hadn't read the whole thing so I'm glad you sent it. Those magnets are so cute! Did you get that pic message I sent you a week or two ago? It was from a funny book of bumper stickers. =) Talk to you soon!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Not that I need something else to become addicted to, but how do you play fantasy football? Can I play?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Fantasy football!
Guess what? I'm about to start my fantasy football draft. It's kind of exciting! My team's name is Killer Bunnies, so I'm bound to be awesome. =)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
I Lost Weight!
I didn't actually weigh myself, but I went to Old Navy today and instead of fitting into 16s and 18s I was fitting into 14s and 16s. YAY!
Did the CW used to be the WB and UPN 9? Because UPN is listed on the cable line-up so hopefully that means that I have the CW and can watch ANTM!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Monday, August 6, 2007
Call me :)
Anytime is fine...I am not watching HK until 10... I promised Leslye that we could watch Kyle XY and The Closer together in the basement. We can always pause the TV for a little and Leslye can play on the computer or something. It's really up to you. Talk to you!
And no worries about the weekend, I hope that berry-picking was fun!
And no worries about the weekend, I hope that berry-picking was fun!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
I didn't get much free time this weekend. Would you be able to talk if I called you tomorrow (Monday) night? =)
I didn't get much free time this weekend. Would you be able to talk if I called you tomorrow (Monday) night? =)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I had actually never even been to that screen before. I always click the little pencil to edit posts. That was a lot easier than I was trying to make it!
When you click on "Edit Posts" all the way to the right it says "delete". I hear ya about the non-Rock-half of the finale.
BTW, I have never gone berry-picking...I am so jealous.
BTW, I have never gone berry-picking...I am so jealous.
William is very cute! I love going to zoos. The Bronx Zoo was our class field trip in 5th grade and I remember having a really good time there.
When do the Emmy Awards air? I don't think I have ever watched them so I am not very familiar with the categories, but sites like E! will probably have ballots up that we can work from and figure out scores.
I'm going blueberry picking this morning with my mom, Amy, Justin and my grandpa. It should be fun! Talk to you soon!
P.S. How do you delete entire entries? I was trying to figure that out for a really long time last time we both got HK wrong. Also, I am very bitter about who made it to the finals, and I am not talking about Rock.
When do the Emmy Awards air? I don't think I have ever watched them so I am not very familiar with the categories, but sites like E! will probably have ballots up that we can work from and figure out scores.
I'm going blueberry picking this morning with my mom, Amy, Justin and my grandpa. It should be fun! Talk to you soon!
P.S. How do you delete entire entries? I was trying to figure that out for a really long time last time we both got HK wrong. Also, I am very bitter about who made it to the finals, and I am not talking about Rock.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Bronx Zoo and Harry Potter
I went to the zoo with William (my co-worker Cathie's grandson) and he is so cute! Here are some fun pics of me and the little devil.
William pointing at a sheep.
Pigeons are as much fun as the other animals at the zoo!

On the Harry Potter front, I finished it on Sunday night and sobbed two times. Once when Dobby died (Here lies Dobby, a Free Elf) and when he summoned the spirits of James, Lily, Sirius and Lupin. Talk to you later!
Tubby <3
His name is Tubby!!! I LOVE HIM!
Give him a kiss from me.
I will post more tonight esp. pics from the Bronx Zoo!
Give him a kiss from me.
I will post more tonight esp. pics from the Bronx Zoo!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter
Have you seen it yet? I went to the midnight showing with Leslye and her friend and OMG, we need to talk. Let me know when you have seen it bc I don't want to spoil anything for you.
Oh! and how is the first week of work going?
Love ya.
Oh! and how is the first week of work going?
Love ya.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Now Presenting...Internet in Rhode Island!
Were you invited to the going away party for Jen Mihok? I am going.
So anywho, I am in RI and its exciting to have internet so I don't feel so cutoff from the rest of the world.
My family and I watched "Breach" again last night and it was just as awesome the second time.
My other cousin, who is only 1 year older than me, is getting married in August. I am not going to the wedding because of Jen's party but my parents said that everyone will understand. We only just found out about the wedding this week anyway bc my dad doesn't talk to his sister often.
Defensive driving was as awesome as expected :( but I actually learned a lot and there is an excerpt that I wanted to send to you:
"Remember--driving is not a win or lose situation. The only winners are those drivers who reach their destination safely." HA!
Ugh...Transformers is on the cover of EW this week.
So anywho, I am in RI and its exciting to have internet so I don't feel so cutoff from the rest of the world.
My family and I watched "Breach" again last night and it was just as awesome the second time.
My other cousin, who is only 1 year older than me, is getting married in August. I am not going to the wedding because of Jen's party but my parents said that everyone will understand. We only just found out about the wedding this week anyway bc my dad doesn't talk to his sister often.
Defensive driving was as awesome as expected :( but I actually learned a lot and there is an excerpt that I wanted to send to you:
"Remember--driving is not a win or lose situation. The only winners are those drivers who reach their destination safely." HA!
Ugh...Transformers is on the cover of EW this week.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Kites and Books
It sounds like you had an awesome time. And fyi, you kite is so cute! I just hung out for most of the day today so I actually watched a bunch of movies and updated my blog. My parents still aren't home and I actually have to start cleaning up so that everything looks acceptable when they get home. (Not that anything is too bad, just making the bed and putting dishes away.) Hope you are enjoying you last week of freedom :) I finished all of the HP books which was awesome, there are just a few questions I have that I want to look into and then I have to decide if I want to fill out that survey at the Leaky Cauldron. I think that I might, but it is time consuming so I don't know when I will find the time. I am about 1/3 of the way through the 6th James Patterson book that is in the Women's Murder Club Series which are very entertaining. Is tomorrow night a good time to call? I will try to give you a call around 9:30 but if I forget you can call me at like 10. (Don't worry my parents don't go to bed that early.) Talk to you tomorrow!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Long time no blog... now with pictures!
Hey there!
Sorry to hear about your health issues, but at least you are getting things sorted out. That's really good to hear about Beth though. =)
Yeah it's weird to have the 4th of July in the middle of the week. It's my grandpa's (on my mom's side) 80th birthday so we are having a party at my aunt Mary's house. It should be really fun. I hope it warms up though because the last couple of days haven't felt too summery here.
Sorry to hear about your health issues, but at least you are getting things sorted out. That's really good to hear about Beth though. =)
Yeah it's weird to have the 4th of July in the middle of the week. It's my grandpa's (on my mom's side) 80th birthday so we are having a party at my aunt Mary's house. It should be really fun. I hope it warms up though because the last couple of days haven't felt too summery here.
I haven't watched hell's kitchen from last night yet so I didn't read that part of your post, but yeah I've been reading the recaplets on TWoP. I'll probably watch it later tonight. I can't believe someone is letting them cater their wedding. I would never go on a show without watching previous seasons. Like last week that lady came up to the counter to complain and was whining that Chef Ramsay was rude to her. Seriously, did she know where she was?
I had a good time at the beach. It was relaxing and I got a lot of reading done. I finished Order of the Phoenix plus two other books! We went to the beach a lot of course. We also went to the boardwalk and played mini golf and stuff like that. Amy and I each got a new kite. Mine has a zebra on it. Probably my favorite thing that we did was when we rented a pontoon boat for the afternoon. I got to drive it a little, but I mostly just like to sit in the front and enjoy the breeze and the occasional splash. I love boats. I should definitely get one some day. Here are some vacation pictures:

I still don't have a job besides the Joann's thing. It's very stressful because I'm sick of thinking about it and worrying about it. I called about that school job yesterday and they said they weren't interviewing people yet. I hope I get called. It seems like people tend to be biased against me because I look too young. I think I'd be good at whatever job I had, I just have to figure out how to convey that to others.
Anyway, I'm SO excited for Harry Potter -- the movie and the book, but mostly the book. I'll be at B&N to get it at midnight, assuming I'm still awake after getting up at 4am =)
Talk to you soon!
I had a good time at the beach. It was relaxing and I got a lot of reading done. I finished Order of the Phoenix plus two other books! We went to the beach a lot of course. We also went to the boardwalk and played mini golf and stuff like that. Amy and I each got a new kite. Mine has a zebra on it. Probably my favorite thing that we did was when we rented a pontoon boat for the afternoon. I got to drive it a little, but I mostly just like to sit in the front and enjoy the breeze and the occasional splash. I love boats. I should definitely get one some day. Here are some vacation pictures:
Zebra Kite
I still don't have a job besides the Joann's thing. It's very stressful because I'm sick of thinking about it and worrying about it. I called about that school job yesterday and they said they weren't interviewing people yet. I hope I get called. It seems like people tend to be biased against me because I look too young. I think I'd be good at whatever job I had, I just have to figure out how to convey that to others.
Anyway, I'm SO excited for Harry Potter -- the movie and the book, but mostly the book. I'll be at B&N to get it at midnight, assuming I'm still awake after getting up at 4am =)
Talk to you soon!
Points, Weddings and Ducks
Hey Loser,
So last week I finally finished my class (yay). But seriously, I wanted to hurt someone bc of how stupid this teacher is…when you ask her how much something is worth on the test she says, “14 points for each short answer…unless I decide to give you more.” WTF! The who point of a points system is that everything is worth a certain amount! This “flexible grading” was seriously the bane of my existence over the last few weeks. Case in point: I got a 120 on the second midterm, another girl got a 136…both of us got a B+. Yea that makes sense…or not. She couldn’t even say how much the test was worth bc of course the set number of points was not exactly known by anyone except her and her warped perception of math and percentages. I mean I got a better grade than I would have because of this system, but still I am not sure that it was worth the stress.
On a happier note, Beth got engaged! I am so excited for her and her fiancée Mike. This weekend we were all in RI and I gave them a bottle of champagne and The Wedding Crashers as an engagement gift. I thought that that was cute. I am just so happy that things are finally going well for her and that she gets to start on this new chapter of her life. They already live together in NJ (yuck) in a two family home with his grandparents. She also recently (within the last 6 months) got a job with Jonathan Adler. Who apparently is this really famous potter. http://www.jonathanadler.com/shop/index.php So everything is going really well for her and Mike and he is such a great guy.
My parents are going to RI tonight just for the day tomorrow (crazy) so I will be along on the 4th which I can’t decide if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. How much does it suck that July 4th is on a Wednesday? I mean this is just like the worst day that it could be.
Hell’s Kitchen? OMG I can’t believe how bitchy Melissa got…and crazy. (Did you see that hair?) I felt so bad for the bride and groom but I was so glad that they actually served everyone. When Jen had to say, “This is a duck breast,” it was probably the saddest thing that I have ever seen. I really wanted to pick Melissa, but I didn't think that she would be bad enough to get sent home. I was wrong. Also, did you notice that TWoP does a recaplet for HK?
On a health note I had a flexible spectroscopy on Friday…which is kinda like a half of a colonoscopy to finally figure out what was wrong. It was so gross the night before you have to drink this stuff and basically you crap until there is nothing left and then I had to do 2 enemas in the morning (eww) to which my mother said, “Did you have to drink them?” So that was an awful few days of prep for the test bc you could also only eat like chicken broth, jello, Italian ice, and hard candies. The test really was uncomfortable bc they put the thing in and then they pump a lot of air in and start scoping. When they go around the curve in the intestines it hurts and the nurse had to push on my stomach so that the pressure would be somewhat relieved. They were also like, “If you feel the need to pass gas just let it go.” To which I was thinking, “Yea I am really gonna be able to pass gas which a huge scope up my ass. Seriously. Finally it was just too uncomforatble so he had to stop. I only have hemorrhoids which I will have to have surgery to remove if the bleeding gets too serious. So at least I know what it is now.
Last night I cooked this pretzel-crusted chicken, which was AMAZING. I got it off of the Rachel Ray 30-Minute Meals show. It tasted so good and then I made some strawberry shortcake for dessert.
I have also been watching all these new shows. (which btw I realized that the shows at the end of the list that I made on the blog said June but are actually July bc they should be in order of premiere.) Leslye and I are watching Kyle XY which is actually really good and I thought that it wouldn’t be. I also caught the premiere of Burn Notice which is really good. Don’t turn it off after the first 10 minutes. That was a major problem and I am worried that it will get cancelled bc it really doesn’t grab the audience in the first few minutes. I haven’t watched the end of The Starter Wife yet but I really like that show and I hope that they turn the mini-series into something more.
Well, I am at work right now and swamped (or not) so I will talk to you later!
So last week I finally finished my class (yay). But seriously, I wanted to hurt someone bc of how stupid this teacher is…when you ask her how much something is worth on the test she says, “14 points for each short answer…unless I decide to give you more.” WTF! The who point of a points system is that everything is worth a certain amount! This “flexible grading” was seriously the bane of my existence over the last few weeks. Case in point: I got a 120 on the second midterm, another girl got a 136…both of us got a B+. Yea that makes sense…or not. She couldn’t even say how much the test was worth bc of course the set number of points was not exactly known by anyone except her and her warped perception of math and percentages. I mean I got a better grade than I would have because of this system, but still I am not sure that it was worth the stress.
On a happier note, Beth got engaged! I am so excited for her and her fiancée Mike. This weekend we were all in RI and I gave them a bottle of champagne and The Wedding Crashers as an engagement gift. I thought that that was cute. I am just so happy that things are finally going well for her and that she gets to start on this new chapter of her life. They already live together in NJ (yuck) in a two family home with his grandparents. She also recently (within the last 6 months) got a job with Jonathan Adler. Who apparently is this really famous potter. http://www.jonathanadler.com/shop/index.php So everything is going really well for her and Mike and he is such a great guy.
My parents are going to RI tonight just for the day tomorrow (crazy) so I will be along on the 4th which I can’t decide if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. How much does it suck that July 4th is on a Wednesday? I mean this is just like the worst day that it could be.
Hell’s Kitchen? OMG I can’t believe how bitchy Melissa got…and crazy. (Did you see that hair?) I felt so bad for the bride and groom but I was so glad that they actually served everyone. When Jen had to say, “This is a duck breast,” it was probably the saddest thing that I have ever seen. I really wanted to pick Melissa, but I didn't think that she would be bad enough to get sent home. I was wrong. Also, did you notice that TWoP does a recaplet for HK?
On a health note I had a flexible spectroscopy on Friday…which is kinda like a half of a colonoscopy to finally figure out what was wrong. It was so gross the night before you have to drink this stuff and basically you crap until there is nothing left and then I had to do 2 enemas in the morning (eww) to which my mother said, “Did you have to drink them?” So that was an awful few days of prep for the test bc you could also only eat like chicken broth, jello, Italian ice, and hard candies. The test really was uncomfortable bc they put the thing in and then they pump a lot of air in and start scoping. When they go around the curve in the intestines it hurts and the nurse had to push on my stomach so that the pressure would be somewhat relieved. They were also like, “If you feel the need to pass gas just let it go.” To which I was thinking, “Yea I am really gonna be able to pass gas which a huge scope up my ass. Seriously. Finally it was just too uncomforatble so he had to stop. I only have hemorrhoids which I will have to have surgery to remove if the bleeding gets too serious. So at least I know what it is now.
Last night I cooked this pretzel-crusted chicken, which was AMAZING. I got it off of the Rachel Ray 30-Minute Meals show. It tasted so good and then I made some strawberry shortcake for dessert.
I have also been watching all these new shows. (which btw I realized that the shows at the end of the list that I made on the blog said June but are actually July bc they should be in order of premiere.) Leslye and I are watching Kyle XY which is actually really good and I thought that it wouldn’t be. I also caught the premiere of Burn Notice which is really good. Don’t turn it off after the first 10 minutes. That was a major problem and I am worried that it will get cancelled bc it really doesn’t grab the audience in the first few minutes. I haven’t watched the end of The Starter Wife yet but I really like that show and I hope that they turn the mini-series into something more.
Well, I am at work right now and swamped (or not) so I will talk to you later!
Monday, July 2, 2007
How was your trip?
So what all did you do? I can't access Hell's Kitchen but don't forget to do the blog. I have really missed hearing from you. Talk to you soon.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ugh, I remember when I had to get to work at Borders at 6 and that was awful...so good luck with that.
No way for Aaron! He wasn't eliminated...he just almost died... :P I did think that it was really weird that they didn't tell us why he had to leave...I mean it look like it was something life threatening because it almost looked like he had a central line in or at the every least something more intense than an IV.
Apply for the job and let me know I will pray for you.
Oh and about DA gotcha. I wasn't sure if you were just delusional over you love for Ron
Well I guess that I will be talking to myself for a week (not that that's all that new) but have an AWESOME time at the beach!
Thanks so much for the letter it was a great surprise.
Oh! I got Leslye the newish Pink album and there is this song called "Dear Mr. President" and it is amazing!
No way for Aaron! He wasn't eliminated...he just almost died... :P I did think that it was really weird that they didn't tell us why he had to leave...I mean it look like it was something life threatening because it almost looked like he had a central line in or at the every least something more intense than an IV.
Apply for the job and let me know I will pray for you.
Oh and about DA gotcha. I wasn't sure if you were just delusional over you love for Ron
Well I guess that I will be talking to myself for a week (not that that's all that new) but have an AWESOME time at the beach!
Thanks so much for the letter it was a great surprise.
Oh! I got Leslye the newish Pink album and there is this song called "Dear Mr. President" and it is amazing!
DA and Aaron
Well I know it was Hermione's idea but Ron helped her come up with it as well, and they both convinced Harry to do it. I just meant that it wasn't all her brilliant plan or anything.
I think I should get credit for guessing Aaron! =P
I wish they told us what was wrong with him, he was so weird.
I got your text this morning but I thought it would be easier to reply here since I could write more. I'm doing well. I'm going to the beach next week from Saturday to Saturday. I start working at Joanne's the second week of July but it's only a temporary job and I have to start working at 5am. There is an awesome job I really want as a library clerk at a high school a few towns away. I just feel so discouraged because it never seems like anyone wants to give me a chance let alone hire me. I was working on my cover letter for that today. I would be so lucky to get that job, so think happy thoughts! It must be weird to think of Leslye as a 16-year-old. I still forget that Amy is 17 because she doesn't act like it. It just makes me feel old. That 22nd year is getting closer all of the time =P
I think I should get credit for guessing Aaron! =P
I wish they told us what was wrong with him, he was so weird.
I got your text this morning but I thought it would be easier to reply here since I could write more. I'm doing well. I'm going to the beach next week from Saturday to Saturday. I start working at Joanne's the second week of July but it's only a temporary job and I have to start working at 5am. There is an awesome job I really want as a library clerk at a high school a few towns away. I just feel so discouraged because it never seems like anyone wants to give me a chance let alone hire me. I was working on my cover letter for that today. I would be so lucky to get that job, so think happy thoughts! It must be weird to think of Leslye as a 16-year-old. I still forget that Amy is 17 because she doesn't act like it. It just makes me feel old. That 22nd year is getting closer all of the time =P
Dumbledore's Army
Yo, you made some comment a few weeks ago about DA in HP#5 and thinking that they were going to make it seem like it was all Hermoine's idea...I was just reading the chapter where she approaches Harry and says that he should teach them so I was wondering what you were talking about...oh! And at least Aaron is gone now so this doesn't turn into another Whitney thing. Talk to you soon.
Way to write in the blog...
Way to write in the blog...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The Starter Wife
I watched the first 3 hours last night and...OMG it is so good and so funny! There is also this ridiculously hot guy who isn't at all responsible for my love of this show ;) Well anywho, I thought that you would want to know bc I know that we had put off watching it. Also FYI the premiere has very few commercials which is awesome. So I just wanted to give you a little update on all that and let you know that you should totally watch it so that I can talk about it with you!
I also got an A- on my first midterm. Yay me!
I also got an A- on my first midterm. Yay me!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Been a while...but this is a good one!
So first up is the list of TV shows which I promised you:
Kyle XY (6/11 on ABCF @ 9)
Lil' Bush (6/13 on Com Cen @ 10:30)
Rescue Me (6/13 on FX @ 10)
Bridezillas (6/17 on WE @ 9)
The Closer (6/18 on TNT @ 9)
Heartland (6/18 on TNT @ 10)
Burn Notice (6/28 on USA @ 10)
Psych (7/13 on USA @ 10)
Monk (7/13 on USA @ 9)
Saving Grace (7/18 on TNT @ 10)
Damages (7/24 on FX @ 10)
I Hate My 30s (7/26 on VH1 @ 10:30)
Power of 10 (TBA on CBS)
Well, I got to babysit today, but not a baby...a duckling!!! Actually a gosling, but it was the cutest little duck and I got to play with it and give it a bath and hold it and love it forever.
Oh in EW Ty Pennington pleads no-contest to a drunk driving charge...
Kim Raver is pregnant!
Breach is out on dvd and EW gave it a great rating.
George is definitely coming back to Grey's this fall...it doesn't sound like Burke is tho...
I finished the 4th HP book today at work and I forgot how sad it is when everyone believes that Skeeter article about Hermoine toying with Harry's heart and Mrs. Weasley gives her a tiny egg for Easter...on to the 5th book!
Oh, these were funny things that I read in the EW for this week...
"Best comeback for a show that oughta be ashamed of having to come back at all: Lost"
"Most castaways since Gilligan's Island: House", oh I forgot to tell you in the season finale all of the Drs. that work for House either quit or were fired...that's 1/2 of the regular cast...
"Sir, do you mind just wiping the snot off your fucking face before we serve chicken and snot?" ~Gordon Ramsay
"The hot-dog-eating crown rightfully belongs to America, because America invented the hot dog when a family of raccoons got lost in a toothpaste factory." ~Stephen Colbert
Tonight on Creature Comforts they discuss art and self-image.
On the preview for HK it says that "it could be Aaron [going home], the retirement-home chef who seasons his food with the salt of his tears..."
Jordan takes a turn for the worse this week to which EW says, "if we had known that her dying was even a remote possibility, we might have been inclined to stay with the show."
For Bridezillas "more ex-wives in training."
Well I should probably pretend to get back to work in case my boss comes in or something...I am pretty much running the fort here.
Kyle XY (6/11 on ABCF @ 9)
Lil' Bush (6/13 on Com Cen @ 10:30)
Rescue Me (6/13 on FX @ 10)
Bridezillas (6/17 on WE @ 9)
The Closer (6/18 on TNT @ 9)
Heartland (6/18 on TNT @ 10)
Burn Notice (6/28 on USA @ 10)
Psych (7/13 on USA @ 10)
Monk (7/13 on USA @ 9)
Saving Grace (7/18 on TNT @ 10)
Damages (7/24 on FX @ 10)
I Hate My 30s (7/26 on VH1 @ 10:30)
Power of 10 (TBA on CBS)
Well, I got to babysit today, but not a baby...a duckling!!! Actually a gosling, but it was the cutest little duck and I got to play with it and give it a bath and hold it and love it forever.
Oh in EW Ty Pennington pleads no-contest to a drunk driving charge...
Kim Raver is pregnant!
Breach is out on dvd and EW gave it a great rating.
George is definitely coming back to Grey's this fall...it doesn't sound like Burke is tho...
I finished the 4th HP book today at work and I forgot how sad it is when everyone believes that Skeeter article about Hermoine toying with Harry's heart and Mrs. Weasley gives her a tiny egg for Easter...on to the 5th book!
Oh, these were funny things that I read in the EW for this week...
"Best comeback for a show that oughta be ashamed of having to come back at all: Lost"
"Most castaways since Gilligan's Island: House", oh I forgot to tell you in the season finale all of the Drs. that work for House either quit or were fired...that's 1/2 of the regular cast...
"Sir, do you mind just wiping the snot off your fucking face before we serve chicken and snot?" ~Gordon Ramsay
"The hot-dog-eating crown rightfully belongs to America, because America invented the hot dog when a family of raccoons got lost in a toothpaste factory." ~Stephen Colbert
Tonight on Creature Comforts they discuss art and self-image.
On the preview for HK it says that "it could be Aaron [going home], the retirement-home chef who seasons his food with the salt of his tears..."
Jordan takes a turn for the worse this week to which EW says, "if we had known that her dying was even a remote possibility, we might have been inclined to stay with the show."
For Bridezillas "more ex-wives in training."
Well I should probably pretend to get back to work in case my boss comes in or something...I am pretty much running the fort here.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
You should watch this trailer. It looks like a weird funny movie and there is a ridiculously cute squirrel or chipmunk or something in it. It has Susan Sarandon, Patrick Dempsy and that guy who plays Cyclopse on X-men. Let me know if the link doesn't work.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Yea, Cragen said something like he's here to fill in during the case and then stay on for a few weeks and Finn was all, "Do I need to be worried about my job?" So pissed.
Obviously it's at the docks.
OMG as soon as I saw that "every sound in the city" guy I was like "Lauren's going to be pissed." I didn't get that he was here to stay though. UGH. He will ruin the show unless he gets a new personality fast.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
I wasn't planning on writing again tonight...Um...so I just watched SVU and OMG! Kathleen arrested, OLIVIA going to IAB and possibly leaving the force? But yay for sexiness with the FBI guy. I mean all of them definitely did deserve to get called on the crap they did but this is all at once! And Cragen taking the fall? But I love him! But the worst part of all is the STUPID, I CAN HEAR EVERY SOUND IN THE CITY GUY is here for KEEPS?!?!?!?! Noooooooooooooo!!! *scampers off to hit head against wall or learn every sound in the state of NY (I'll show him!)*
Got Cake?
Stop farting! I love it!
Aaaand I FINALLY got my Cake 'n' Shake from Cold Stone and right before I tasted it I was thinking..."should I have gotten the large?" Maybe it isn't as good as I remember"...Then I tasted it and it was AMAZING!!! I was so excited that I almost called you, but I was driving.
Oh I also got the EW special edition which is all Idol "Collector's Edition" in the mail yesterday, so you can have that if you want. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it yet.
I got lost on my way to my aunt's house today because my gps said that the street didn't exist...stupid machine...
Aaaand I FINALLY got my Cake 'n' Shake from Cold Stone and right before I tasted it I was thinking..."should I have gotten the large?" Maybe it isn't as good as I remember"...Then I tasted it and it was AMAZING!!! I was so excited that I almost called you, but I was driving.
Oh I also got the EW special edition which is all Idol "Collector's Edition" in the mail yesterday, so you can have that if you want. I haven't been able to bring myself to open it yet.
I got lost on my way to my aunt's house today because my gps said that the street didn't exist...stupid machine...
Smelly NJ
You can give your dog benadryl?
Anyway, I was looking at mushycat.com, that site where we got our buttons, and they have one that says "Dear NJ, Stop farting. Love, NYC." lol
Anyway, I was looking at mushycat.com, that site where we got our buttons, and they have one that says "Dear NJ, Stop farting. Love, NYC." lol
Extraordinary Happenings
So I am not up to all that much today...except still not being unpacked. My aunt invited me over for lunch today so at least I will get to do that which should be nice. Hopefully my grandma and grandpa will be there bc I hear that they are both sick (colds and infections nothing too serious).
Well I have certainly been a movie watching this weekend...Dude, Where's My Car?, Shrek 3, Casino Royale, Friday Night Lights, and soon I will finish Night at the Museum.
Is there anything good on tv tonight??? I don't think so. Although I think that Brothers & Sisters is starting the season over which may be fun to watch...
Other than that nothing all that extraordinary is going on...Cory is still a nutcase so I gave him some Benadryl so he's relaaaaaxed.
Well I have certainly been a movie watching this weekend...Dude, Where's My Car?, Shrek 3, Casino Royale, Friday Night Lights, and soon I will finish Night at the Museum.
Is there anything good on tv tonight??? I don't think so. Although I think that Brothers & Sisters is starting the season over which may be fun to watch...
Other than that nothing all that extraordinary is going on...Cory is still a nutcase so I gave him some Benadryl so he's relaaaaaxed.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I just saw the new pirates movie! It was so good! Captain Barbosa is the most awesome thing ever! =D
Friday, May 25, 2007
This Week's EW in a Nutshell
Ok so here is all that is newsworthy from this week's Entertainment Weekly:
Kate Walsh is getting married!
The Heroes "Origins" thing that they are doing while on hiatus is based off of the Twilight Zone (in that each is a contained tale about a certain character) This makes much more sense about the whole voting thing...
Also Lost is returning in January? I think that I remember you saying something about that...
They say that a lot of times the ratings on the tv shows aren't accurate because of DVRs since people don't watch the show the same night...they have decided to use a figure that counts anytime that the show is watched within 3 days for next season which gives them a better picture of the viewership and the companies that pay for commercials only have to pay for how many people end up watching them since the whole point of a DVR is to FF. They also said that daylight savings time (which was 3 weeks earlier) caused more people to go outside earlier which disturbed the viewship...huh.
Winners and losers...
#1 CBS (12.2 million viewers a week)
#2 FOX
#3 ABC
#4 NBC
#5 CW (3.2 million)
Brothers & Sisters was listed as one of the reasons that ABC was successful while The Nine was listed as a failure...Of course Justice is listed as a failure for FOX, the winners being Idol and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (*gasp*) Although FOX is hoping to improve their pre-emptions from baseball lowering the interruptions from 14 (prev. 26!). Studio 60 has officially been cancelled (the last few episodes begin airing this week). ANTM is considered to be the key anchor for the CW...wow
On "The Must List" #1 is Debra Messing in "The Starter Wife" which they describe as: "USA's new dramedy brings the Will & Grace alum back to the small screen--and her vivacious performance as a spurned LA wife makes us remember how much we've missed her." I am so watching this!
Also on the list is "The Princess Squad" from Shrek.
The new Pirates is given a C.
New Trailers:
The Bourne Ultimatum
Bee Movie
The Golden Compass
For what to watch this week on Sat (the 2nd) HBO is showing "John Tucker Must Die"...to which EW says, "In early June, even the pay networks stop trying." HA.
Last but certainly not least bc they are my favorite part of the magazine...SOUND BITES! This is the first week that I have ever seen all of them...
"NBC announced Monday it will once again renew its long-running drama L&O. Which, as near as I can tell, is about a kindly old grandfather who teaches cynicism to a series of supermodels." ~SNL
"Oh, please don't become one of those 'I had a heart attack, let me espress my every thought' types." ~Gilmore Girls (I miss Emily already!)
"It's like the first 15 minutes of Extreme Home Makeover." ~Brothers & Sisters
"Once I am officially regional manager, my first order of business will be to demote Jim Halpert. So I will need a new number two. My ideal choice? Jack Bauer. But he is unavailable. Fictional. And overqualified." ~The Office (Fall seems so far away....)
Happy Friday!
Kate Walsh is getting married!
The Heroes "Origins" thing that they are doing while on hiatus is based off of the Twilight Zone (in that each is a contained tale about a certain character) This makes much more sense about the whole voting thing...
Also Lost is returning in January? I think that I remember you saying something about that...
They say that a lot of times the ratings on the tv shows aren't accurate because of DVRs since people don't watch the show the same night...they have decided to use a figure that counts anytime that the show is watched within 3 days for next season which gives them a better picture of the viewership and the companies that pay for commercials only have to pay for how many people end up watching them since the whole point of a DVR is to FF. They also said that daylight savings time (which was 3 weeks earlier) caused more people to go outside earlier which disturbed the viewship...huh.
Winners and losers...
#1 CBS (12.2 million viewers a week)
#2 FOX
#3 ABC
#4 NBC
#5 CW (3.2 million)
Brothers & Sisters was listed as one of the reasons that ABC was successful while The Nine was listed as a failure...Of course Justice is listed as a failure for FOX, the winners being Idol and Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (*gasp*) Although FOX is hoping to improve their pre-emptions from baseball lowering the interruptions from 14 (prev. 26!). Studio 60 has officially been cancelled (the last few episodes begin airing this week). ANTM is considered to be the key anchor for the CW...wow
On "The Must List" #1 is Debra Messing in "The Starter Wife" which they describe as: "USA's new dramedy brings the Will & Grace alum back to the small screen--and her vivacious performance as a spurned LA wife makes us remember how much we've missed her." I am so watching this!
Also on the list is "The Princess Squad" from Shrek.
The new Pirates is given a C.
New Trailers:
The Bourne Ultimatum
Bee Movie
The Golden Compass
For what to watch this week on Sat (the 2nd) HBO is showing "John Tucker Must Die"...to which EW says, "In early June, even the pay networks stop trying." HA.
Last but certainly not least bc they are my favorite part of the magazine...SOUND BITES! This is the first week that I have ever seen all of them...
"NBC announced Monday it will once again renew its long-running drama L&O. Which, as near as I can tell, is about a kindly old grandfather who teaches cynicism to a series of supermodels." ~SNL
"Oh, please don't become one of those 'I had a heart attack, let me espress my every thought' types." ~Gilmore Girls (I miss Emily already!)
"It's like the first 15 minutes of Extreme Home Makeover." ~Brothers & Sisters
"Once I am officially regional manager, my first order of business will be to demote Jim Halpert. So I will need a new number two. My ideal choice? Jack Bauer. But he is unavailable. Fictional. And overqualified." ~The Office (Fall seems so far away....)
Happy Friday!
Lost, Derevko, 24, and the failure of TV as a whole
I was trying to figure out what we were learning about Jack in this eppy. I mean nothing specific like his tattoos...
I love the Irena Derevko school of mothering! I was thinking that that was such a special bonding moment.
I thought that the 24 finale was good but not good enough. There really wasn't a cliff hanger except...what now? I loved the scene when we find out that Chloe is pregnant (I knew it: I said to my dad do you think she's pregnant? And I also thought that she was acting weird the whole sppy but my dad didn't see it.) I hope that next season is better!
I just got my EW today and they have a lot of info about the tv lineups and why they failed this year...even Heroes lost 2 million viewers...so I will fill you in on the article after I read it. TTYL!
I love the Irena Derevko school of mothering! I was thinking that that was such a special bonding moment.
I thought that the 24 finale was good but not good enough. There really wasn't a cliff hanger except...what now? I loved the scene when we find out that Chloe is pregnant (I knew it: I said to my dad do you think she's pregnant? And I also thought that she was acting weird the whole sppy but my dad didn't see it.) I hope that next season is better!
I just got my EW today and they have a lot of info about the tv lineups and why they failed this year...even Heroes lost 2 million viewers...so I will fill you in on the article after I read it. TTYL!
Lost, 24
Juliet was joking about the aliens because she knows that the Losties assume some crazy stuff about the others. I am very sad about Charlie, but I think his death was one of the more meaningful ones on the show so I can live with it. (Unlike Eko's death). I actually guessed that it was a flash forward in the first scene of the flash forward. I don't know why exactly, it just felt like it would make more sense and be cooler if it were in the future after they were rescued. Plus we've seen so much of Jack's pre-crash timeline that I couldn't make sense of when it would have happened in the past. Pretty lucky guess though. I don't think it's Sawyer in the coffin because Kate sounded like she wouldn't have even considered going to the funeral. It's hard to tell though because the actors may not know who is supposed to be in it. (Hell, the producers might not know).
Oh and some great lines in this episode too:
"I am a dentist. I am not Rambo."
"Do you want to help me tie him up?" Rousseau to Alex. Someone on the TWoP boards called this the "Irina Derevko school of mothering" lol.
Oh and when Charlie's tied up and yells: "It's Charlie! Tell him I say 'hi'!"
I forgot to ask what you thought of the 24 finale! I thought it was depressing in the end, but good.
Oh and some great lines in this episode too:
"I am a dentist. I am not Rambo."
"Do you want to help me tie him up?" Rousseau to Alex. Someone on the TWoP boards called this the "Irina Derevko school of mothering" lol.
Oh and when Charlie's tied up and yells: "It's Charlie! Tell him I say 'hi'!"
I forgot to ask what you thought of the 24 finale! I thought it was depressing in the end, but good.
Lost Season Finale...
That job thing is ridiculous!
I finished Lost last night and OMG! It was AMAZING! I loved that instead of a flashback they did what would happen if they left the island. When Kate first came out I was trying to thing of reasons why they would pretend that they didn't meet. But man that was crazy...who do you think died? Sawyer? (I mean in the casket.) I am sure that you are still mourning the loss that is Charlie but at least he died for a cause and to save Desmond's life. How crazy is it that Naomi is not sent by Penny??? Also, my bitterness for Lost is alive and well because when Juliet was talking about the runway and she said, "for the aliens" I was just like-you have GOT to be kidding me!
I LOVE shopping for flowers so I hope that you have fun with that and apparently going to a bar in the middle of the day :)
I finished Lost last night and OMG! It was AMAZING! I loved that instead of a flashback they did what would happen if they left the island. When Kate first came out I was trying to thing of reasons why they would pretend that they didn't meet. But man that was crazy...who do you think died? Sawyer? (I mean in the casket.) I am sure that you are still mourning the loss that is Charlie but at least he died for a cause and to save Desmond's life. How crazy is it that Naomi is not sent by Penny??? Also, my bitterness for Lost is alive and well because when Juliet was talking about the runway and she said, "for the aliens" I was just like-you have GOT to be kidding me!
I LOVE shopping for flowers so I hope that you have fun with that and apparently going to a bar in the middle of the day :)
Shrek, jobs, and flowers
Shrek the Third was really cute and funny. Worth seeing. Don't want to spoil anything for you though.
Also, I got an email of jobs from careerbuilder.com today, and I often don't even look at those, but today I did. The job I interviewed for is back and advertised as "reopening the search," as well as now being $11.50 an hour. WTF. They told me they hired someone. Maybe they did and that person bailed on them. If it's that they just didn't find anyone I'm not that surprised because the lady does not know how to interview. She basically told me she didn't want to hire me and then didn't ask me any questions about why I thought I was qualified. Oh well. I don't think editing is my thing, but it would have been nice to have a job.
Today I'm going out somewhere with my mom, grandpa, and Aunt Mary to go get flowers for the garden. And go to a bar apparently because that's what my grandpa does to socialize. ttyl!
Shrek the Third was really cute and funny. Worth seeing. Don't want to spoil anything for you though.
Also, I got an email of jobs from careerbuilder.com today, and I often don't even look at those, but today I did. The job I interviewed for is back and advertised as "reopening the search," as well as now being $11.50 an hour. WTF. They told me they hired someone. Maybe they did and that person bailed on them. If it's that they just didn't find anyone I'm not that surprised because the lady does not know how to interview. She basically told me she didn't want to hire me and then didn't ask me any questions about why I thought I was qualified. Oh well. I don't think editing is my thing, but it would have been nice to have a job.
Today I'm going out somewhere with my mom, grandpa, and Aunt Mary to go get flowers for the garden. And go to a bar apparently because that's what my grandpa does to socialize. ttyl!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Checking in
Hey there! Sorry I forgot about these blogs but now I have them properly bookmarked so I will check it often. I've just been unpacking and stuff. I don't even know how to go about getting a job and I don't like to think about it. Did you see the finale of Lost? OMG it was amazing and so confusing. I won't say any more for now. I'll talk to you later!
ETA: I watched the first episode of "On the Lot," which I wasn't going to watch, because there is a guy on there from Owego, NY, which is in my area. Pretty cool!
ETA: I watched the first episode of "On the Lot," which I wasn't going to watch, because there is a guy on there from Owego, NY, which is in my area. Pretty cool!
Lounging Around
So what's up with you? How is the job search going? I am just chilling and working on "unpacking" which is code for sitting on my ass. I just watched the "Heroes" finale (spoiler): How cute were Micah and Molly? I really need to start reading HP before the last book comes out. I can't wait to see you for the Colbert Report in a week and a half. I can't really think of anything exciting to write about. I am playing the game Cradle of Rome which is really addicting and last night I watched "A Few Good Men" which I thought that I hadn't seen but apparently I had...yea that's the second time that has happened since I have been home. I also watched "Rumor Has It" and then realized that I had see the movie. And...tonight's Thursday so don't forget!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Made it Home (Alive)
Just writing to let you know that I made it home. There was a ton of traffic so I didn't get back until 9:30 at night but my family waited until I got there to have dinner which was nice. I saw two rainbows on the way home which was pretty cool bc I can't remember the last time that I saw one. Well anywho I am getting ready to watch "Brothers and Sisters" but first I am watching "The Pacifier" so my night is going to be pretty exciting--except that Justin is going to Iraq so I will probably be crying before it is over. Talk to you later!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Keeping in Touch
So I am sitting here, thinking about tomorrow--the day that our senior year together will be over and we set out into the "real world" and I am sad because I know that I am going to miss you. So I think that we should definitely make plans to stay in touch because we are both going to be busy this summer and over the next year as I work in school. I am thinking that we should pick a night during the week and call around 10pm. Any night is good for me...Thursday? I think that we should also try to touch base online through the blog/AIM and of course the TV predictions! I can try to spend some time each day doing this so that we get to "talk" a little more often. I think that we should also try to plan some visits or something--obviously first off would be the Colbert Report so maybe you could come up Tuesday night (I get out of class at 9 I think but my parents would be home so you could just hang out in my room.) Then we could go into the city during the day and figure out stuff to do which would be fun. Then it is up to you when you would want to leave (I leave for work each morning at 7:45 so you could always just leave at the same time or sleep in and just shut the door behind you.) Well, that's all for now--let's decide what we want to do about keeping in touch and then we should be good to go...cradle to grave...
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